Baresi , maldini , rijkaard , tassotti . . . without those guys we would not have been so successful 巴雷西、马尔蒂尼、里杰卡尔德、塔索蒂… …没有他们我们不可能这么成功。
Milan on the other hand was struggling to find a decent replacement for our great captain franco baresi ! 而米兰正相反,还在努力寻找球员来替补巴雷西退役造成的空缺。
Paolo is close to sharing baresi ' s record before beating it on november 1 , when milan face a big clash against juventus 保罗将在11月1号对尤文图斯的大战中不在与巴雷西分享而是打破这个记录
Watching kaizer franz commanding like a general the defence in a beautifully and synchronized manner which would hae made proud jules cesar and napolean bonaparte 巴雷西坐镇后防线,指挥若定,气度从容,如同恺撒再世,拿破仑重生。
Watching kaizer franz commanding like a general the defence in a beautifully and synchronized manner which would have made proud jules cesar and napolean bonaparte 巴雷西坐镇后防线,指挥若定,气度从容,如同恺撒再世,拿破仑重生。
Looking back in time , one of the recurring images i ll never forget is to see kaiser franz with just raising his hand , putting the entire opposing team offside 回首往昔岁月,一个在我脑海中久久萦绕不去的画面,便是巴雷西队长略一抬手,令对手全部处于越位位置。
Having the scudetto of the record of inter being overshadowed by the overwhelmingly devastating champions cup triumph of van basten , gullit and baresi and co . simply priceless ! ! 范巴斯滕、古利特、巴雷西以及全体球员在冠军联赛中取得的辉煌胜利,令同城死敌的联赛冠军相形见绌,黯然失色。