巴 hope earnestly; wait anxious ...塞 fill in; stuff尔 you核心 core; nucleus原则 principle银行对巴塞尔核心原则联络小组 cplg巴塞尔原则 basel core principles保险业核心原则 insurance core principles; insurancecoreprinciples核心原则联络小组 core principles liaison group有效银行监督核心原则 core principles for effective banking supervision有效银行监管的核心原则 core principles for effective banking supervision巴塞尔原则声明 basel statement of principles系统性重要支付制度的核心原则 core principles for systemically important payment systems巴塞尔 bahcer; barcel; barthel; baser; basilea; basle; bassel; baszel; fc basel紧急情况机构间常设委员会的六项核心原则 six core principles of the inter-agency standing committee on emergencies; sixcoreprinciplesoftheinter-agencystandingcommitteeonemergencies巴塞尔报 basel zeitung巴塞尔财团 basel club巴塞尔城州 basel-stadt巴塞尔大学 university of basel巴塞尔公约 basel convention巴塞尔加 baselga; baserga巴塞尔乡州 basel-landschaft巴塞尔协定 basel agreement; basel concordat巴塞尔协议 basel accord; basel agreement巴塞尔新闻 basler nachrichten
Basle core principles巴塞尔核心原则