- 已 stop; cease; end
- 付 commit to; hand over to; del ...
- 合同 agreement; contract
- 保证 pledge; guarantee; assure; e ...
- 已付合同存款 contract deposit paid; contract deposits paid
- 合同保证金 contract money; deposit on contracts
- 合同保证书 contract bond
- 履行合同保证人 performance guarantee
- 已收合同保证金 contract deposit reveived; contract deposits received
- 议付合同 negotiating contract
- 总付合同 lumsum pri ce contract
- 共同保证 co-suretyship
- 共同保证人 co-surety
- 合同保险单 contract policy; contracts policy
- 费用偿付合同 cost contract
- 付合 live up to
- 保证 担保合同 suretyship
- 保证合同 contract of guaranty/suretyship
- 提取或支付合同, 照付不议合同 take or pay contracts
- 保证合同,担保合同 contract of guarantee; contract of guaranty
- 保证合同履行 guaranteeperformance
- 保证投资合同 guaranteed investment contract
- 合同附带保证 guarantee incidental to a contract
- 已付 p'd ; pd.----------paid; p'd.;pd. paid; pd paid
- 按合同付保证金 guarantee money paid on contract