- industry nationalization act
- 工业国 industrialized country
- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 法案 proposed law; bill
- 国有法人股 sls
- 企业国有化 nationalization of enterprises
- 工业国 industrial country; industrial nation; industrialized nation
- 八大工业国 g8
- 工业国家 d industrialized nations
- 七大工业国 g7; grouof seven; seven major industrial countries
- 五大工业国 grouof five
- 先进工业国 advanced industrial country
- 新工业国 new industrial state
- 新工业国家 new industrial state
- 新兴工业国 newly industrialized country; newly industrializing countries; newly industrializing country
- 变农业国为工业国 turn an agricultural country into an industrial power
- 将私营企业国有化 nationalize the private enterprise
- 外资企业国有化 nationalization of foreign enterprise
- 工业国务部长 minister of state for industry
- 工业国务秘书 secretary of state for industry
- 西方工业国家 western industrialized economy
- 先进工业国家 industrially-advanced country
- 新兴工业国家 nies newly industrialized countries
- 非国有工业 nonstate industries
- 国有化工业 nationalized industries; nationalized industry
- 国有工业部门 sate-owned industrial sector