- 崇拜 worship; adore; idolize
- 酒神 the god of wine
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 酒神的 bacchanal; bacchic
- 酒神的女性崇拜者或女祭司 arrack; bacchae
- 酒神的伴侣 bacchae
- 酒神的信徒 bacchanal
- 酒神的名字而 dennis
- 酒神的赞美歌 dithyramb
- 崇拜物神的 fetishistic
- 从酒神的名字而来 dennis
- 酒神 bacchus; dionysos; dionysus; the dithyranb
- 崇拜 worship; adore; idolize 盲目崇拜 worship blindly; 个人崇拜 personality cult; 对自然的崇拜 nature worship; 他高度赞扬这部小说, 并对作者简直崇拜得五体投地。 he spoke highly of the novel and he almost worshipped the ground the author trod on. 他把她当作女神崇拜。 he adored her as a goddess.; 崇拜偶像 worship of idols; idolatry
- 论泰山崇拜与东岳泰山神的形成 the worshiof mount tai and the formation of mount tai god
- 神的 divine; godly; sacred; supernal
- 酒神代 nectarian
- 酒神祭 bacchanale; dionysia; vbr 320 kbps
- 酒神节 bacchanal/bacchanalia/dionysia; bacchanale; dionysia
- 酒神菊 baccharis genistelloides
- 酒神式 dionysian
- 大酒神节 the great dionysia
- 酒神-日神精神 apollonian and dionysian
- 酒神巴克斯 bacchus
- 酒神祭司 bacchante
- 酒神节的 bacchanalbacchanaliandionysiacdionysian; dionysian