The brazilian international joined inter in 2006 from monaco , but reports have suggested he could be unsettled due to lack of progress over a new contract 巴西国脚在06年从摩纳哥加盟到国米,不过球队目前在他的续约问题上进展缓慢,这也使得他开始为自己的未来考虑。
He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance , unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained , and when so suspended , he has utterly neglected to attend to them 他一向禁止他的总督们批准那些紧急而迫切需要的法令,除非是那些法令在未得其本人的同意以前,暂缓发生效力;而在这样展缓生效的期间,他又完全把那些法令置之不理。
展缓的法语:répousser déférer mettre sur les rayons atermoyer temporiser repousser postposer surseoir suspendre ajourner proroger