- interruption of urination
- 尿 urine
- 中断 suspend; break off; disconti ...
- 中断 1.(中途停止或断绝) suspend; break off; discontinue; severance 中断和那个国家的贸易 (货运, 谈判, 接触) suspend trade with that country (freight transportation, negotiation, contact); 中断谈判 break off the negotiations; 中断履行合同义务 suspend performance of obligations; 交通中断了几小时。 traffic was held up for a few hours. 从那时起这个行业的发展就没有中断过。 since that time the industry has never looked back.2.[计算机] interrupt; interception; hiatus;lapse;blocking (振荡)
- 即尿中有血 haematuria
- 尿中含氮物 mingin
- 尿中能量 ue; urinary energy
- 尿中尿素氮 urine urea nitrogen
- 尿中尿酸 urinary uric acid; urine uric acid
- 尿中砂石 sandy urine
- 尿中总氮量 urine total nitrogen
- 排尿中枢 kopressoff's center; micturition center; micturition centre
- 致糖尿中枢 glycogenic center
- 妇女泌尿中心 female urological center
- 脊髓排尿中枢 spinal micturition center
- 尿中最高浓度 maximum urinary concentration
- 膀胱中枢, 排尿中枢 vesical center
- 尿胆素原,尿中尿胆原 urine urobilinogen
- 尿中ddt的醋酸衍化物 acetic derivation of ddt exereted in urine
- 尿中酮体检查剂 ketostix
- 尿中重金属筛查 heavy metal screen on urine
- 不中断 keethe ball rolling; without interruption
- 打断,中断 interrupt
- 打碎;中断 break up
- 断续,中断 interrupt
- 多中断 multiple interrupts