一息尚存 as long as one lives; so long as there is still breath left in one; 此事尚未解决。 the matter remains to be settled.; the problem is not resolved as yet. 为时尚早。 it is still too early.; the time is not yet ripe. 这个剧本如何修改, 尚待讨论。 it needs further discussion as regards how to revise the play.Ⅱ动词 (尊崇; 注重) esteem; value; set great store by
崇尚 uphold; advocate; 尚武 set great store by martial qualities; emphasize military affairsⅢ名词 (姓氏) a surname
尚的法语:副 <书>encore;de plus;en outre为时~早.il est encore tôt. 动 estimer;faire grand cas de;donner la préférence à崇~respecter;vénérer;estimer;faire cas de;soutenir;préconiser