

  • quantity of dust



  • 例句与用法
  • No harmful nitrides have been detected in the air , whose dust content stays below 0 . 4 mg per cubic meter
    大气中的总含尘量在每立方米0 ? 4毫克以下。
  • Abstract : to bring forward the calculative method of producing dust capacity in blast work . the difficult problem is solved to judge the effect of dustproof , because of the mensuration position
  • Anthracotic pigment ordinarily is not fibrogenic , but in massive amounts ( as in " black lung disease " in coal miners ) a fibrogenic response can be elicited to produce the " coal worker ' s pneumoconiosis " seen here
    煤肺色素通常不存在纤维化,但炭尘量很大(就如煤矿工人的“黑肺病” ) ,纤维增生反应能诱发煤矿工人肺尘埃沉着症。
  • In order to observe process and study the rule of producing and collecting dust , and to study the performance of high - voltage electrostatic dust - collecting system , a set of analog device is designed based on on - site measure for workshop of unloading coal of qing huangdao port
  • Using french chalk which was dried by the 120 air as the normal air model , the quality which the fabric contains particle can be test . considering the fabric ' s reusing , the author has washed the fabric in many ways and compared the washed and unwashed fabrics " purifying performance testing datas . through putting the fabric on the home air condition , the author analysed the effect to the air condition ' s runing and purifying performance
  • 推荐英语阅读
尘量的英文翻译,尘量英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译尘量,尘量的英文意思,塵量的英文尘量 meaning in English塵量的英文尘量怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
