Adaptive cartesian grid based on an omni - tree 基于复合叉树的自适应笛卡尔网格应用研究
I look up all my addresses and phone numbers now on the internet 我可以在英特尔网查询我的地址和电话号码。
Night michael gunn gave us the box . tuning up . shah of persia liked that best 那天晚上,迈克尔网恩257让我们坐在包厢里。
Koal software network shield 4 . 0 can be used to downlaod the certain encryption certificate from ldap server 可以用格尔网盾安全专家4 . 0从ldap服务器下载该人员的加密证书。
They say four chickens tested positive for the h5 bird flu virus in four villages in jalgaon district in the northern part of the state 他们说,在这个邦北部贾尔网地区的4个村庄有四只鸡被检验出感染了h5禽流感毒株。
Koal network shield desktop security sets is the only software encryption system approved by the bureau of the state cipher administration committee . it uses many advanced technologies and has several patents 格尔网盾桌面安全套件是唯一一个获得国家密码管理委员会办公室批号的软件加密系统,它采用多种先进技术,拥有多项专利。
What had prevented him from completing a topical song music by r . g . johnston on the events of the past , or fixtures for the actual years , entitled if brian boru could but come back and see old dublin now , commissioned by michael gunn , lessee of the gaiety theatre , 46 , 47 , 48 , 49 south king street , and to be introduced into the sixth scene , the valley of diamonds , of the second edition 30 january 1893 of the grand annual christmas pantomime sinbad the sailor written by greenleaf whittier , scenery by george a . jackson and cecil hicks , costumes by mrs and miss whelan , produced by r . shelton 26 december 1892 under the personal supervision of mrs michael gunn , ballets by jessie noir , harlequinade by thomas otto and sung by nelly bouverist principal girl 该歌原来预定插在照例于圣诞节期间公演的大型哑剧水手辛伯达第六场钻石谷一八九三年第二版,作者:格林利夫惠蒂尔54 ,舞台装置:乔治a杰克逊和塞西尔希克斯服装:惠兰太太与惠兰小姐导演: r .谢尔顿一八九二年十二月二十六日在迈克尔网恩夫人亲自监督下演出,芭蕾舞女演员为杰西诺亚,丑角为托马斯奥托中,是由女主角内莉布弗里斯特55演唱的。
However , reverting to friend sinbad and his horrifying adventures who reminded him a bit of ludwig , alias ledwidge , when he occupied the boards of the gaiety when michael gunn was identified with the management in the flying dutchman , a stupendous success , and his host of admirers came in large numbers , everyone simply flocking to hear him though ships of any sort , phantom or the reverse , on the stage usually fell a bit flat as also did trains , there was nothing intrinsically incompatible about it , he conceded 当迈克尔网恩经营欢乐剧场时,路德维希主演漂泊的荷兰人127获得巨大成功,爱慕他的观众蜂拥而至,个个都只是为了听听他的声音。尽管不论是不是幽灵船,一旦搬上舞台,就跟火车一样,通常会变得有点儿单调了。他承认那位水手所讲的本质上没有什么相互矛盾的地方。
Meanwhile , numerical computation of aerodynamics is widely applied with the progress of computer , large quantities of relative paper has been presented . but at present , the relative literature about turbulence characteristics of plural vehicles running in row and passing maneuvers is very limited . pointing to the above difficulty , in this paper , numerical computation of turbulent - velocity field is studied while a sedan exceeding a tractor - trailer truck 本论文在对某国产轿车单车外流场的模拟地面边界层、车轮转动和侧向风载荷研究基础上,以及两辆轿车并列行驶、同向超车的稳态研究的基础上,选取了两种笛卡尔网格方案和四面体混合网格方案,开展某国产轿车超过某大型运输车的数值模拟研究。