He remained a sham boy at thirty-two . 他在三十二岁时还一直装扮作少年的样子。
I believe this is a common habit of children and adolescents . 我认为这是儿童和少年的共同癖性。
"we can never probe the minds of adolescents," the headmaster confessed . “青春期少年的思想我们永远捉摸不透,”校长承认。
The two females, as they held each a hand of ibrahim, formed a practical allegory; it was rational piety and unbridled fanaticism contending for the empire of a young heart . 那两个女人,每人握着伊伯拉罕姆一只手,这是个很实际的比方;理性的虔诚和没人拘束的狂热在争夺这个少年的心田。
The promise of youth , the smell of curricula .少年的诺言,课程的芳香。
Alternative measure of the penalty of the juvenile delinquency 美国犯罪少年的刑罚替代措施
I did so , raising the boy s head against my knee “我照办了,抬起少年的头靠在我的膝盖上。
According to stallone , his was not a happy childhood 据史泰龙回忆,他少年的时候并不愉快。
Follows the lives of a group of teenagers 本片讲述一群少年的生活。
Charlie ' s like a half a step away from juvie , and mark ' s - Charlie已经到了失足少年的边缘,还有mark