- 小脑 epencephal; epencephalon; pa ...
- 红 red
- 纤维 fibre; staple; filamentary
- 小脑红核脊髓纤维 cerebello-rubri-spinal fiber
- 小脑红核脊纤维 cerebellorubrospinal fiber
- 小脑红核的 cerebellorubral
- 齿状红核纤维 dentatorubral fibres; fibrae dentatorubrales
- 皮质红核纤维 corticorubral fibers; fibrae corticorubuales
- 小脑红核脊髓的 cerebello rubrospinal; cerebellorubrospinal
- 小脑红核脊髓系统 cerebellorubrospinal system
- 小脑红核束,小脑被盖束 tractus cerebellorubralis
- 小脑顶核纤维 cerebello-fastigial fibre; cerebello-fastigial-fibre
- 红核小脑纤维 rubrocerebellar fiber
- 中脑红核综合征 benedicts syndrome
- 红核小脑束 rubrocerebellar tract
- 小脑-红核-丘脑束 cerebello-rubro-thalamic tract
- 多核纤维 multinucleate fiber
- 红核-橄榄核-小脑袢 rubro-olivary-cerebellar loop
- 淋巴结结核纤维化 tuberculosis of lymph nodes with fibrosis
- 皮质脑干核纤维 bibrae corticonucleares
- 红核脊髓小脑脚综合征 rubrospinal cerebellar peduncle syndrome
- 楔小脑纤维 cuneatocerebellar fibers
- 红核 corpora rubrum; locus ruber; nuclei reticularis tegmenti; nucleus of sappey; nucleus ruber; red nucleus; rednucleus
- 皮质核纤维, 皮质延髓束 fibrae corticonucleares
- 弓状小脑纤维 arcuocerebellar fibers