- cerebello- olivary fibers
- olivocerebellar fibers
- 小脑 epencephal; epencephalon; pa ...
- 橄榄 Chinese olive; the fruit of ...
- 纤维 fibre; staple; filamentary
- 小脑橄榄 cerebellar oliva
- 小脑橄榄束 cerebello-olivary fasciculus
- 小脑橄榄体 cerebello-olivary
- 小脑橄榄体的 cerebello olivary; cerebello-olivary
- 小脑橄榄萎缩 oca; olivocerebellar atrophy
- 皮质橄榄纤维 cortico- olivary fibers
- 小脑橄榄变性综合征 cerebellar olivary degeneration syndrome
- 橄榄小脑纤维 olivocerebellar fibers
- 后脑橄榄核 nucleus olivaris metencephali
- 脑橄榄体间的 interolivary
- 橄榄小脑 olivocerebellar
- 橄榄小脑束 oilvocerebellar tract; olivocerebellar tract; tractus oilvocerebellares
- 中央被盖束, 丘脑橄榄束 tractus tegmentalis centralis
- 红核-橄榄核-小脑袢 rubro-olivary-cerebellar loop
- 橄榄-桥脑-小脑萎缩 olivoponto-cerebellar atrophy
- 楔小脑纤维 cuneatocerebellar fibers
- 型橄榄小脑萎缩 holmes type olivocerebellar atrophy
- 橄榄-脑桥-小脑综合征 dejerine-andre-thomas syndrome
- 橄榄体脑桥小脑的 olivopontocerebellar
- 弓状小脑纤维 arcuocerebellar fibers
- 红核小脑纤维 rubrocerebellar fiber
- 蓝斑小脑纤维 fibers from locus coerulus to cerebellum
- Cerebello - olivary fibers chinese
小脑橄榄纤维 - Cerebello - olivary fibers