- 小脑 epencephal; epencephalon; pa ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 小脑核 cerebellar nuclei; cerebellar nucleus; nuclei cerebelli
- 小脑核层 nuclear layer of cerebellum
- 新小脑核 neocerebellar nucleus
- 原小脑核 paleocerebellar nucleus
- 小脑红核的 cerebellorubral
- 核的 alpha particle model of nucleus; atomic; g factor of nucleus; karyo; nucleal; nuclear; nucleated; nucleic; nucleonic
- 丘脑核 nuclei thalami; thalamic nuclei; thalamic nucleus
- 小脑 [生理学] epencephal; epencephalon; parencephalon; opisthencephalon; cerebellum; suboesophageal ganglion; cerebell- (cerebellitis 小脑炎)
- 具核的,有核的 nucleated
- 电脑核保 computer screening
- 腹侧桥脑核 ventral pontine nucleus
- 隔下丘脑核 septohypothalamic necleus
- 脑核性黄疸 kernicterus
- 下丘脑核 hypothalamic nucleus
- 下丘脑核支 branches of hypothalamic nuclei; branches to nuclei of hypothalamus
- 除核的 denucleated
- 单核的 monokaric; mononuclear; mononucleate; monopyrenous; uninuclear; uninucleated
- 电核的 electronuclear
- 多核的 aciniform; cenocytic; coencytic; coenocytic; multinuclear; multinucleate; plurinuchear; plurinuclear; polycaryotic; polykaryotic; polynuclear; polynucleate; syncytial
- 二核的 dicaryotic; dinuclear
- 防核的 blast hardened; blast-hardened
- 非核的 nonnuclear
- 副核的 paranuclear