- 小 small; little; petty; minor
- 汽艇 steamboat
- 租 hire; rent; charter
- 费 fee; expense; expenditure; d ...
- 小汽艇 car topper; cutter; motor launch; pinnace; runabout
- 单舱小汽艇 sedan
- 军舰用的小汽艇 cutter
- 租费 hire charge; rent charge; rental charge; rental payments
- 汽艇 motorboat; motor launch; gasboat; powerboat; launch◇汽艇游客旅馆 boatel
- 仓租费 storage charges; t/c(=w/c) terminal charge; w/c(=t/c) warehouse charge
- 付租费 pay for the hire of
- 死租费 dead rent
- 月租费 monthly fee; monthly rental
- 租费率 lease rate
- 租费帐 hire charge account
- 汽艇,汽船。 motorboat
- 汽艇,下水 launch
- 汽艇法 motorboation
- 小汽车 donkey engine; sedan; sedan car
- 小汽船 pinnace; put-put; steamboat
- 小汽锅 kettle
- 小汽机 donkey engine
- 偿付租费 tender the amount of rent
- 地租税,租费 rent charge
- 垫板租费 plankage