- gu hot trauma
- gunshot trauma
- 射击 shoot; fire
- 伤 wound; injury
- 击伤 wound; injure (a person); damage (a plane, tank, etc.) 他被流弹击伤。 he was wounded by a stray bullet
- 冲击伤 couinjury; impact injury
- 电击伤 electric injury; eletrical injury
- 撞击伤 collision injury; injury by collision
- 射击 1.(开枪、开炮) shoot; fire 向敌人射击 fire at the enemy; 向目标射击 shoot at a target; 遭到炮火射击 under fire; 部队向进攻的敌人不停地射击。 the troops were firing away at the advancing enemy.2.[体育] shooting 飞碟射击 clay-pigeon shooting; 多向飞碟射击 transhooting; 双向飞碟射击 skeet shooting3.[军事] firing; 射击靶场 firing range; 射击场 shooting range; 射击地境 sector of fire; 射击技术 marksmanship gunnery; 射击孔 gunport; port; bridle port; embrasure
- 锤击伤痕 hammer mark
- 电击伤害 ed:electrical damage
- 击伤母牛 damage to cow
- 间接冲击伤 indirect blast injury
- 以手枪击伤 pistol
- 直接冲击伤 direct blast injury
- 撞击伤目 ocular contusion
- 电和雷电击伤 electrical and lightning injuries
- 钝击伤害防御 cr:crushing resistance
- 攻击伤害增加 damage increasers
- 核爆炸冲击伤 nuclear blast injury
- 视网膜电击伤 electric injury of retina
- 他被流弹击伤 he was wounded by a stray bullet
- 直接损伤,冲击伤 coup injury
- 致命一击伤害 crit hit effect
- 范围性攻击伤害 a0ek; adda; amnx; amnz
- 发出,射击 emit
- 开火;射击 fire