- 封建 the system of enfeoffment fe ...
- 地主阶级 the landlord class
- 大地主阶级 landocracy
- 地主阶级 landed class; landlord class; squirearchy
- 地主阶级分子。 landocrat
- 封建地 feudality; feudally
- 封建地租 feudal land rent; feudal rent
- 如封建地 feudally
- 奴隶主阶级 slave owner class
- 主阶 main step
- 地主 1.(土地占有者) landlord; landowner 破落地主 bankrupt landlord2.(主人) host; 地主阶级 the landlord class
- 福建地质 geology of fujian
- 主阶段混炼 main mixing
- 半封建 semifeudal; semifeudalism 旧中国是一个半封建半殖民地国家。 old china was a semifeudal and semicolonial country
- 反封建 anti-feudal; anti-feudalism; against feudalism
- 封建的 feodal; feudal; feudatorial
- 封建化 feudalization
- 封建制 feudalism
- 封建主 feudal lord◇封建主所有制 feudal ownership
- 〔英国〕地主。 squirearch
- 大地主 lord proprietor; squire; the landlord
- 地主,房东 landlord
- 封建帝国 feudal empire
- 封建等级制度 feudal hierarchy