- po(point of purchase advertising)
- 点 drop
- 广告 advertisement; advert; ad; p ...
- 购物点广告 poadvertising point-of-purchase advertising
- 观点广告 i ue advertising; iss sbtf e cbu advertising; issue advertising
- 焦点广告 point-of-purchase (pop)
- 售点广告 cis corporated identity system dm direct mail
- 销售点广告 pop point of purchase
- 购买时点广告 point of purchase advertising
- 导购网 mpdaogou
- 导购员 sales; shopping guide
- 定购点 order point
- 订购点 order point,op
- 导购女郎 shopgirl
- 百货采购点 one-stop stopping
- 采购点促销 point-of-purhcase (pop) promotion; point-of-purhcase promotion
- 到达订购点 order point reached
- 电子采购点 eiectronic point of purchase (epop)
- 定购点系统 ordering point system
- 订购点法 order point method
- 订购点技术 order point technique
- 多点广播 multicast
- 节点广义力 nodal generalized force
- 再订购点 rop re-order point
- 再订购点法 re-order point
- 义务导购服务 shopping guide