- enjoy wine and songs while we can for life is short
- 对酒当歌 sing while drinking; enjoy l ...
- 人生几何 How long is a man's life?; H ...
- 对酒当歌,人生几何 Enjoy wine and songs while we can,for life is short.
- 对酒当歌 sing while drinking; enjoy life while you still can
- 人生几何 How long is a man's life?How brief life is!How long is human life?Man's life is not very long.
- 人生几何,及时行乐 after us/me the deluge
- 江汉生几何学 johansson geometry
- 生几 ikushima
- 叮当歌 ding dong song
- 长风当歌 cfdgsh
- 人生 life◇人生观 outlook on life; 人生价值 the value of life; 人生目的 the aim of life; 人生琐事 the trifles of life; 人生哲学 philosophy of life
- 讴歌人民英雄 eulogize people's heroes
- 对酒畅叙 talk merrily over a bottle
- 对酒欢乐 be merry over the wine
- 绝对酒精 absolute alcohol
- 绝对酒品 v&s absolute spiritsv&s
- 几何 1.[书面语] (多少) how much; how many 不知尚有几何 uncertain how much is left or how many are left2.(几何学) geometry; 几何比 geometric proportion; 几何分布 geometric distribution; 几何光学 geometrical optics; 几何关系 geometrical relationship; 几何级数 [数学] geometric [geometrical] progression; geometric series; 几何图形 [数学] geometric figure
- 反对酒后驾车 madd
- 有当歌手的才能 has great capability as a singer
- 讴歌人类的共同理想 to celebrate the common aspirations of humanity
- 几何,几何学 geometry
- life~人生~ life
- 给人生 to life
- 刘人生 ren-sheng liu
- 论人生 essay on life