Applied magnetic field , the symmetric broken between spin - up and spin - down channels gives rise to the great decrement of resistance 施加磁场后,自旋向上和自旋向下两电子通道的对称破缺导致磁阻巨幅下降的现象。
The principle of compensatory method is the compensation to unsymmetry and unbalance . this article introduced the application of this method to physical experiments of electrology through several cases 摘要补偿法的原理是对对称破缺和非平衡的补偿,文章结合实例介绍了该方法在电学实验中的各种应用。
The external symmetry i . e . universality of geographical laws in urban sense is found to relate to the internal symmetry : the more symmetric a model is , the more universal the corresponding law is , and vice versa 研究发现,城市地理系统在宏观层面具有对称性质,这意味着普适性地理规律的存在;微观层面对称破缺,这暗示城市地理系统模型的参数具有时空变异性质。
But with such a shell , we find that there emerges a deeper type of symmetry , not evident at first : for the shell has a symmetry under rotational motion , provided that this is accompanied by uniform expansion or contraction 但以蜗牛壳这样的对称状态,我们其实是发现了一种更深层类型的对称- - - - - -此为一种在旋转的行动之下的新型对称破缺,其原因来自于均匀的扩展或收缩的伴随条件。
3 . a dimensionless parameter i . e . breaking symmetry a is defined which reflects the characteristic of molecular arrangement in non - symmetric lc cell , the expression is where d is the distance between the maximal tilt angle 0m and the below substrate , l is the thickness of lc cell 定义了一个反映不对称液晶盒液晶分子排列对称性特点的无量纲量? ?对称破缺,定义式为= ( d - l / 2 ) / ( l / 2 ) ,其中d为倾角最大值_ m距下基板的距离, l为液晶盒的厚度。
This paper includes a number of contributions on how to harmonize the macro and micro , global and local , random and structural , order and disorder , simple and complex , and so on , which is the significant task for the complexity exploration . it is research course that is more important than others , but still several conclusions have been drawn as follows : regional speciality lies in spatial complexity , the process of spatial complication starts from symmetry rebuilding in macro - level while symmetry breaking in micro - level which accounts for emergence of complex regularity , and the target of geographical evolution seems to reconstruct the symmetry laws of nature 标度律是全文的逻辑核心,通过它们将城市系统的宏观与微观、整体与局部、有序与无序、随机与确定、简单与复杂、对称与对称破缺等对立问题有机地统一起来。尽管如此,本文还是得出了一些基本结论:所谓地理学的区域独特性实则空间复杂性,微观层面的对称破坏与宏观层面的对称重组是“突现”和空间复杂化的动力根源,城市系统自组织演化的优化目标似乎就是重建大自然的对称律。
In threshold point and saturation point as well as between two points , the possible relations between a and the external magnetic field and the anchoring parameters of substrates are studied . we find out that the sign of is opposite , but the value is invariable when the positions of above and below substrates are interchanged 研究了阈值点和饱和点以及以上两者之间时,与外加磁场以及基板锚定参数的各种可能的关系,发现当上、下基板的位置互换,对称破缺的符号将会改变,而大小不变。
Moreover , on the basic of theoretical scheme , through the analyzing of many examples , the article concluded the axis symmetry , symmetry alternation and axis variation rules ( including factor , relation , structure , system , conception variation ) in architecture design . it shows the plentiful skill that we can easily apply axis and embody new conception 并以理论为基础,通过大量实例分析,总结了轴线在建筑设计中的对称、对称破缺和变异规律(包括元素变异、关系变异、结构变异、系统变异、概念变异) ,展示了灵活运用轴线进行建筑创作的丰富手段,给轴线手法研究注入了新鲜的血液。
Once landau theory of phase transition was used to deal with ferroelectrics phase transition . it introduces symmetry breaking into phase transition theory and associates it with order parameter to find the necessary condition of occurrence of phase transition . the theory has settled plenty of problems 对于铁电体,以前采用landau理论处理连续相变,这一理论引入对称破缺,并将它与序参量的变化联系起来,找到发生连续相变的必要条件,这成功地解决了一些问题。