- 对流 convection; convection curre ...
- 流体 fluid; fluor
- 对流体 convection cell
- 上流流体 upflow fluid-catalyst unit
- 紊流流体 turbulent fluid
- 载流流体 carrier fluid
- 对流流动模型 convection flow model
- 热对流体 thermal convection cell
- 流流体载动电极 electrode with a mobile carrier
- 正流流体裂化装置 orthoflow fluid cracking unit
- 中尺度对流体 mesoscale convective complex
- 对流 [物理学][气象学] convection; convection current◇对流定律 law of convection; 对流放电 [电子学] convective discharge; electric wind; static breeze; 对流活动 [气象学] convective activity; 对流加热器 convection heater; 对流加速度 convective acceleration; 对流冷却 [工业] convection cooling; 对流平衡 convective equilibrium; 对流气流 [气象学] convection [convective] current; 对流区域 convective region; 对流热交换 convective heat exchange; 对流散热器 convector (heated) radiator; 对流选矿法 countercurrent treatment; 对流云 [气象学] convective cloud; 对流运输 cross haul of traffic (相向运输)
- 电流流 current
- 回流流 back flow
- 流体 [物理学] fluid; fluor◇流体力学 fluid mechanics; hydromechanics; 流体生物学 hydrobiology; 流体运动学 hydrokinematics
- 对流胞 对流元 convectivecell
- 并流流动 concurrent flow
- 层流流阻器 laminar restrictor
- 畅流流量 open flow
- 车流流速 traffic flow speed
- 分流流量 diversion discharge
- 分流流线 dividing stream line
- 沟流流化床 channeling fluidized bed
- 河流流出 disembogue
- 河流流量 river discharge; river flow; river outflow; stream discharge; stream flow; streamdischarge; streamflow