- 对 answer; reply
- 夹 double-layered; lined
- 式 type; style
- 薄片 slice; thin slice; thinsecti ...
- 型 mould; model
- 对夹式 clamvalves; wafer type
- 对夹式蝶阀 opposite joint butterfly valve
- 对夹式阀门 clamales; clamvalves
- 对夹式止回阀 wafer check ales; wafer check valves
- 对夹式衬胶蝶阀 wafer type butterfly ales with rubber itning; wafer type butterfly valves with ru er itning; wafer type butterfly valves with rubber itning
- 双板对夹式止回阀 dual plate wafer type check valve
- 薄片型脆性糖块 ordinary lozenges
- 氮化钽薄片型电阻 tantalum nitride resistor
- 对夹 butt clamp; clash
- 氮化钽薄片型电阻 氮化钽电阻器 tantalumnitrideresistor
- 薄片 slice; thin slice; thinsection; scaleboard; microsection; sheet; lamina; wafer; flake; lepid-; lepido-
- 夹式的 clip-on
- 对夹蝶板阀 wafer plate ales; wafer plate valves
- 片型芯 slab core
- 位片型 bit slice stencil
- 阳片型 positive-type ps plate
- 阴片型 negative-type ps plate
- 夹式车器 caliper brake
- 夹式电扇 clifan
- 夹式吊具 grapple