- Ⅰ动词
1.(睡) sleep 短语和例子
独寝 sleep alone; 废寝忘食 (so absorbed or occupied as to) forget about eating and sleeping2.[书面语] (停止; 平息) stop; end 短语和例子
其事遂寝。 the matter was then allowed to rest.; no more was heard of the matter thereafter.Ⅱ名词
1.(卧室) bedroom 短语和例子
就寝 go to bed2.(帝王的坟墓) coffin chamber 短语和例子
陵寝 imperial burial place; mausoleum3.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子
寝承 qin cheng
- 寝不安席,食不甘味 sleep fitfully and eat without relish
- 禽螨皮炎 gamasid dermatitis
- 寝不安席食不甘味 slefitfully and eat without relish
- 禽螨病 gamasoidosis
- 寝车 sleeping car or carriage; sleeper
- 禽螨 bird mite; gamasid mite
- 寝沉降 initial settlement
- 禽蜱 poultry tick
- 寝承 qin cheng
- 禽疱疹簿 avian herpetoviruses; gallid herpesvirus
- No more was heard of the matter thereafter .
其事遂寝。 - The matter was then allowed to rest .
其事遂寝。 - Her long hair was drenched in sweat and her gown stuck to wet spots to her body .
她的头发被汗浸透了,她的寝衣湿得一块块粘在身上。 - And she said , what will you give me as my price
他玛说、你要与我同寝、把甚麽给我呢。 - And he had no more connection with her
从此犹大不再与她同寝了。 - The discussian on the design of the houma jinguo temple ruins park
侯马晋国庙寝遗址公园设计探讨 - And he went in to her that night
那一夜,雅各就与她同寝。 - And he lay with her that night
那一夜,雅各就与她同寝。 - And he knew her again no more
从此犹大不再与她同寝了。 - So he lay with her that night
- 寝的法语:动 se coucher;dormir废~忘食s'appliquer à son travail jusqu'à en oublier de manger et de dormir;ne se donner ni trêve ni repos
- 寝的日语:(2)寝屋.寝室. 入寝/寝床につく. 就寝/就寝(する). 寿终 shòuzhōng 正寝/天寿を全うして寝室で死ぬ. (3)御霊屋.陵[みささぎ].帝王の墓室. 陵 líng 寝/陵.帝王の墓. (4)〈書〉やむ.穏やかになる. 其议遂 suì 寝/その議ついにやむ. 事寝/事件が沙汰やみになる. 【熟語】灵 líng 寝 【成語】食肉寝皮
- 寝的韩语:(1)[동사] (잠)자다. 废寝忘食; 【성어】 침식을 잊다 (2)[명사] 침실. 就寝; 취침하다 =入寝 寿终正寝; 영면하다. 죽다 (3)[명사] 제왕의 분묘. 陵寝; 능침 (4)[동사]【문어】 중지[중단]하다. 끝나다. 그치다. (5)[동사]【문어】 앓아눕다. 병상에 눕다. (6)[형용사]【문어】 (얼굴이) 못생기다. 흉하다. 못나다. 험상...
- 寝的俄语:= 寝
- 寝什么意思:(寢) qǐn ㄑㄧㄣˇ 1)睡,卧:~室。~车。~宫。安~。 2)睡觉的地方:就~。寿终正~。 3)皇家宗庙后殿藏先人衣冠之处,亦指帝王的坟墓:~庙。陵~。 4)停止,平息:其议遂~(那种议论于是平息)。事~。 5)面貌难看:貌~。 ·参考词汇: bedroom sleep 枕石寝绳 忘寝废食 就寝 陵寝 寝苫枕干 按甲寝兵 寝丘之志 寝苫枕土 遗寝载怀 抱表寝绳 寝室 食甘寝...
- 寝とは意味:寝 ね sleep