

  • red of weeelth



  • 例句与用法
  • Currently , mostly " fugui hong " ceramics are bought by groups for presenting as gifts
    目前, “富贵红”多为集团购买,作为馈赠礼品。
  • The " fugui hong " is made of precious materials by means of elaborate techniques ; the unpriced metal tantalum also is added for manufacturing this ceramic
  • Now , the prices of " fugui hong " in the market are ranging from several thousand yuan to several hundred thousand yuan ; even a " fugui hong " tea cup will be priced at 300 yuan
  • Some collectors even have ceramics customized with self - designed style , and then have the mold destroyed in order to ensure the rare quantity of " fugui hong " porcelain products in the world
  • Just one piece of " fugui hong " shall be a fusion of the classic elegance of jingdezhen ceramics , the romantic charm of fuzhou bodiless lacquer and the rich colors of beijing cloisonne
    单是一件漆红雕“富贵红” ,就融入了景德镇陶瓷的古雅、福州脱胎漆器之神韵、北京景泰蓝的华彩等。
  • The fugui hong vitreous enamel “ round sky & square earth ” was selected by the “ treasure evaluation ” program , and priced at 45 thousand yuan after appraised by zhang ning , the ceramics connoisseur of national museum
    而次富贵红釉瓷“天圆地方”入选《鉴宝》栏目,国家博物院陶瓷鉴定专家张宁作现场鉴定,并给出4 . 5万元的参考价格。
  • Along with the development and innovation of techniques , series of blue , yellow porcelain products of " fugui hong " are derived with changeful ceramic types , such as square , calabash , bright red persimmon and other unique types
    随着技艺的开发与创新, “富贵红”又衍生出蓝、黄等系列瓷品,器型上也变化多端,有方瓶、葫芦瓶、大红柿瓶等别致造型。
  • Recently , a kind of red vitreous enamel with high temperature resistance , which is called as " national treasure , millennium treasures , " quickly flied its own colors in the chinese ceramics , and then became a new target of collection and presenting
  • 其他语种释义
  • 富贵红什么意思:牡丹的一种。    ▶ 宋 陆游 《天彭牡丹谱‧花释名》: “富贵红者, 其花叶圆正而厚, 色若新染未乾者。 他花皆落, 独此抱枝而槁, 亦花之异者。”
  • 推荐英语阅读
富贵红的英文翻译,富贵红英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译富贵红,富贵红的英文意思,富貴紅的英文富贵红 meaning in English富貴紅的英文富贵红怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
