轮廓 outline; line; lineament; contour profile; rough sketch 脸的轮廓 the contour of a face; 山峦的轮廓 profile of the mountains; 先画个轮廓 , 再画细部。draw an outline before you fill in the details. 夜幕降临了, 但厂房还能看见个轮廓。 night fell, but the outline of the factory buildings was still discernible.; the factory buildings were silhouetted against the growing darkness.; 轮廓不清晰度 turbidity (相片); 轮廓清晰 clear-cut; 轮廓图 profilogram; scheme; keydrawing; schematogram; contour records; outline sketch
印度轮船公司 india steamship co. ltd; shipping corp. of india ltd
密度 1.(密集的程度) density; thickness 火力密度 density of fire; 兵力密度 density of troops; 那个国家的人口密度为每平方英里685人。 the population density of that country is 685 per square mile.2.[物理学] (物体的质量和其体积的比值) density 电流密度 current density; 海水密度 seawater density; 水银的密度比水大得多。 mercury has a much greater density than water.; 密度计 densimeter; densitometer; density gage; density indicator; gravitometer
The probe was equipped with a radio occultation experiment to profile atmospheric density 探测器上配备有一个用于测定(绘)大气密度轮廓的无线电掩星实验装置。
Our results are much helpful for us to understand the building - up mechanism of the universal density profile , galaxy formation and high redshift tully - fisher relation 这些结果对我们解释暗晕的普适密度轮廓,高红移盘星系的瓜111卜f讨ler关系和理解星系核球及盘的形成都有很大帮助