- 寄予 place on
- 厚望 great hope; high expectation ...
- 人们寄予厚望者 white hope
- 对子女寄予厚望 pin great hopes on their children
- 厚望 great hope; high expectations 不负厚望 live up to sb.'s expectations; not to let sb. down; 寄厚望于 anchor [lay] one's great hope in ..
- 寄予 1.(寄托) place (hope, etc.) on 国家对青年一代寄予很大的希望。 the state places great hopes on the younger generation.2.(给予) show; give; express 寄予关怀 show concern for sb.; 寄予深切的同情 show heartfelt sympathy to
- 有厚望 wear 1
- 观望者 lurker
- 窥望者 the watcher
- 期望者 anticipator
- 热望者 aspirer
- 守望者 e01s; lookout; warden; watcher
- 探望者 visitor
- 志望者 candidate
- 不负厚望 live up to sb.'s expectations reputationprestige
- 寄厚望于 anchor one's great hope in
- 寄以厚望 pin high hopes on sth
- 有厚望焉 cherish high hopes for
- 寄予关怀 show concern for sb.
- 寄予售人 consignor
- 寄予希望 place one's hope on..
- 暗黑守望者 the watcher
- 怪眼凝望者 monstereye gazer
- 海边守望者 baywatch: hawaiian wedding
- 了望者报 hochwatcht