- 宽 wide; broad
- 制约 restrict; condition; constra ...
- 带宽制约 bandwidth constraint
- 塞宽制 sequam system
- 制约 restrict; condition; constraint; restraint; [工业] confinement 互相制约 condition each other; interact; 对 ... 加以制约 excercise its restraints upon...; lay restraints on...; 受历史条件的制约 be restricted by historical conditions
- 阀制约 threshold contrast
- 制约法 theory of constraints
- 制约论 binding theory
- 制约物 bitter
- 制约线 constraint line
- 制约性 conditionality
- 脉冲宽度制(脉宽制) pulse duration system
- 操作制约 operant conditioning
- 对加以制约 lay restraints on
- 惰态制约 modal constraint
- 反密度制约 inversely density dependent
- 非密度制约 density-independent
- 功能制约 functional constraint
- 共轭制约 conjugate constraint
- 古典制约 classical conditioning
- 互相制约 mutual condition
- 环境制约 environmental constraints
- 假制约作用 pseudoconditioning
- 经济制约 economic constraints
- 局部制约 local restriction