Families of the residential campers will be invited to join the day camp on 25 july and 1 august 另于7月25日及8月1日星期三设营友家长日,各宿营营友的亲属可报名参加。
20 2 2004 : a tea gathering for parents was held at the school hall for parents to share their experience and express their opinions 20 2 2004家长日在礼堂设置家长茶座,与家长分享教子心得及听取意见。
In order to foster closer co - operation and better communication between parents and teachers , we cordially invite parents to attend our parents ' day on sunday , 21 january 2007 本学年之家长日,定于二零零七年一月二十一日(星期日)举行。诚邀各家长是日莅临本校,会见贵子弟之班主任,藉以增进家庭与学校之沟通。