It was evidently a court - room , and a crowd of europeans and natives already occupied the rear of the apartment 这是一个审判厅,公众旁听席上坐着很多欧洲人和本地人。
Passepartout was getting nervous , for the hands on the face of the big clock over the judge seemed to go round with terrible rapidity 他觉得审判厅里那个大挂钟上的指针简直快得象野马似的在奔跑。
Salsman ' s mother said she came to edmonton from her home in saint john , n . b . , hoping to find her son ' s body and take it home for burial 泰勒坐在被告席的监视席上指责坐在审判厅角落里的被害者的家庭并说道”我希望它某天会出现“ (指他没有杀害萨斯曼并且萨斯曼还活着? )
No . they were all by that time choking the hall of examination where this old man , ugly and wicked , was , and overflowing into the adjacent open space and streets 再也没有人了。他们此时已挤满了那个丑陋邪恶的老头儿所在的审判厅,并往外面漫溢,进入了附近的场地和街道。
“ i hope he shows up some day , ” he said . with the family of his victim sitting in the far corner of the courtroom , taylor berated them from the prisoner ' s dock 泰勒坐在被告席的监视席上指责坐在审判厅角落里的被害者的家庭并说道”我希望它某天会出现“ (指他没有杀害萨斯曼并且萨斯曼还活着? )
“ do you know how tough it is to bury someone when you don ' t have the remains , ” meg salsman said thursday outside the courtroom . “ in the spiritual world , he ' s probably stuck between worlds “你知不知道将一个人掩埋的毫无任何证据可循是多么的艰难”美格在审判厅外讲到, “在灵魂的世界,他(指提摩太.萨斯曼)的灵魂将被夹在两个世界之间。
His namnds resting on his knees , his body straight , his head erect ; he was steadily watching a complicated clock which indicated the hours , the minutes , the seconds , the days , the months , and the years 此外,他从来也没有在大法官法庭女皇御前审判厅财政审计法院教会法院这些地方打过官司。他既不开办工厂,也不经营农业他既不是搞说合的掮客,又不是做买卖的商人。
" we announce , he read , in the same tone with which he would have read a newspaper , that to - day , the 23d of february , will be executed andrea rondolo , guilty of murder on the person of the respected and venerated don cesare torlini , canon of the church of st . john lateran , and peppino , called rocca priori , convicted of complicity with the detestable bandit luigi vampa , and the men of his band “公告: ”他用读报纸一样的语气念道, “奉宗教审判厅令,二月二十二日星期三,即狂欢节之第一日,死囚二名将于波波罗广场被处以极刑,一名为安德烈伦陀拉,一名为庇皮诺。
" the public is informed that on wednesday , february 23d , being the first day of the carnival , executions will take place in the piazza del popolo , by order of the tribunal of the rota , of two persons , named andrea rondola , and peppino , otherwise called rocca priori ; the former found guilty of the murder of a venerable and exemplary priest , named don cesare torlini , canon of the church of st . john lateran ; and the latter convicted of being an accomplice of the atrocious and sanguinary bandit , luigi vampa , and his band 于是,他把那张告示从墙上撕了下来,交给了弗兰兹,弗兰兹读道: “公告,奉宗教审判厅令,二月二十二日星期三,即狂欢节之第一日,死囚二名将于波波罗广场被处以极刑。一名为安德烈伦陀拉,一名为庇皮诺,即罗卡庇奥立前者犯谋害罪,谋杀了德高望众的圣拉德兰教堂教士西塞德列尼先生后者则系恶名昭彰之大盗罗吉万帕之党羽。