

  • physical development



  • 例句与用法
  • The process in this case may be as important as the actual product
  • During the development of the software , the most difficulty is how to deal with the data and get the effective algorithm
  • To validate the effectiveness of pattern reuse based software design method using existing pattern tools through practical project example
  • However , for real - world deployment , you obviously want to switch to the cgi or apache dso server version of the soap web service instead
    然而,在实际的开发中,您显然想切换到soap web服务的cgi或apache dso服务器版本。
  • Otherwise , you are better off adopting a pretty good , although not perfect , project environment and getting on with your real job of developing software
  • There are so many emerging web services standards , and groups that these standards can go through , and then there s this de facto open source way of developing standards
  • Now that the communication devices have been set up , the other important aspect is developing embedded - linux controller . there is something in common although the practical developments differ very much
  • 3 . basing on the deep analyses and researching in the pivotal technologies of re process , and utilizing the fruit of several engineering fields , this paper exploited and integrated the ire system that is brought forward by the paper itself
    3 )本文在对re过程中的关键技术进行深入分析和研究的基础上,利用现代最新的科学知识和本领域及其它学科的研究成果,互相结合,交叉渗透,对文中提出的工re系统进行了实际的开发与集成。
  • This article is an introduction of a cell phone entertainment game that the author joined to develop using the accumulated knowledge and experience . this article will focus on the following points : 1 . the key techniques in mobile game application development are discussed in detail ? the main functions and the structure of j2me , basic knowledge about mobile game are specially emphasized and the development tool
    本文正是在此基础上结合了实际的开发经验,合理运用了一些新技术实现了一个手机娱乐游戏,本文的主要工作集中在:详细阐述了开发手机游戏所需的关键技术- -怎样用对象表示游戏角色及怎样控制游戏流程及各角色的动作。
  • So he brought forward to divide the web client system to two parts , the communicating module named comciient is the design stress , which communicates with job management system server and all the cgi programs . to implement the communication between this module and the cgi programs , a set of detailed communicating protocols have been designed . at the same time , during the course of developing the project , the author analyzed and compared all the design pattern of the service programs , and selected the optimized pattern to implement the system
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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