

  • positive law



  • 例句与用法
  • Positive law , embedded in institutions with legal sanctions , has a normative force on its own
  • He is considered one of the founders of the modern , antipositivistic study of sociology and public administration
  • The second section is concerned with the justification of relational contract as the contract pattern in positivist law
  • The thesis assumes these research methods : document investigation method , logical deduction method , generalization method and demonstration method
  • Research methods take questionnaire investigation , real examples and the integration of theory and practice which had been carried out in history teaching in no . 6 middle school
  • This dissertation is on online arbitration . it makes a scrutiny into the following issues by methods as historical research , comparative analysis , and empirical analysis : the concept of online arbitration , the seat of online arbitration , online hearing , and online arbitration award . this dissertation also discusses the limitation of our current legislation on arbitration and puts forward some suggestions to promote it
  • This article can be divided into five parts . through the illustration of current theory on the principle of administrative law , the first part analyzes the defects of dominated two - principle theory . the second part fully demonstrates the properaess of establishment of litigable principle from its jurisprudence basis , practical legal foundation and social groundwork
  • The conclusion of this paper is : ( 1 ) current arrangement of rural land system plays an important role in promoting rural economic development ; ( 2 ) the guarantee of peasant land rights and interests should be appropriate and reasonable ; ( 3 ) we should select the protective organization of peasant rights and interests available ; ( 4 ) the policy adjustment of rural land system should be paid more attention so as to protect peasant rights and interests better
    本文研究采用实证法和规范法相结合的研究方法,得出的结论是: ( 1 )现行农地制度的安排在促进农村经济发展中起到了巨大的促进作用; ( 2 )农民权益保障要有一个适度的问题; ( 3 )要正确选择农民权益保护的主体; ( 4 )要搞好保护农民权益的农地制度政策调整。
  • Test mental is not only a sharing structure , but also a lasting process . the overall and systematic researches on the test mental acting in difference stage have never appeared , which start from lasting time , sharing consciousness and test situation . based on the existence studies , by using document analyses , adopting scales , path analyses , factor analyses , experience verify , experiment verify , this study explores the test mental action process ; the connotation , structure , function and developmental principle of test mental quality ; the possibility , actuality and efficiency of educational experiment
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