Chances of success and opportunities for ambition 实现自我价值的可能性
We have worked hard to get where we are - there are no free rides 我们努力,以实现自我价值,世上没有免费的午餐!
Daqiao is the bridge of realizing your value and leading to the world and success 大桥外语是你实现自我价值,走向世界和成功的桥梁。
The essence of zili is to create the sparkle that gives students self - motivation 、 self - encourage 、 self - struggle to realize self - evaluation 自砺教育的实质就是点燃学生心中自我要求、自我激励、自我奋斗从而实现自我价值的精神之火。
We provide them opportunities to learn , treat them with high respect and dignity , value their difference and uniqueness and give them space to achieve themselves 我们为人才提供学习的机会,尊重他们,认同和重视每个员工的特点,给予他们实现自我价值的空间。
We ' ll pay more attention to the actual ability in professional , especially in more quality for the job seeker , and provide a flat satisfaction to their demands of realizing ego value 我们将更注重求职者的实际工作能力及道德品质,并且为每位员工提供实现自我价值的平台。
Havana cigar is knowledge wealth class ' s life characteristic , life ' s enjoyment after wealth possession , in sublimate cigar smell , in rising life realm , and one continuously realizes self - value 哈瓦那雪茄知识财富阶层的生活属性,财富后人生的欢愉体验,在升华的雪茄缭绕中,在升腾的人生境界中,不断实现自我价值。
Remove staff work - positivity , assist them to design their business career , steering and prompting them bring into play their potential and creating ability , with them achieved their self - value , reach the organization target together 调动员工的积极性,帮助他们进行职业生涯设计,引导、激励员工发挥自己的潜力和创造力,使他们实现自我价值的同时,共同达到组织目标。
Commutation means lives , adjust working space , realize self - worth , it is the general state of mind that modern woman finds new job often , and first the idea of course of study of the choose after obtain employment , also became the academic basis that they find new job 变换方式生活,调整工作空间,实现自我价值,是现代女性频繁跳槽的普遍心态,而先就业后择业的观念,也成了她们跳槽的理论依据。
In the mirage of affection for shelley , he heals the broken soul ; in shelley ' s inner world and the cultural ideal , he feels that rigid dignified feelings ; under shelley ' s guidance , he appreciates that aloof mood , listens attentively to the sound which a great soul beats , and realizes the conjunction self - value and the life 他在雪莱爱的幻景中医治破碎断裂的灵魂,在雪莱的精神世界与文化理想中,去感受那份执着凝重的情愫,在雪莱的引领下,去体味那份超然的情怀,倾听一个伟大灵魂跳动的声音,从而实现自我价值与生命的契合。