Article 30 . safe may adjust the timeframe required for qfii to repatriate its principal and proceeds , subject to the needs of china ' s foreign exchange balance 第三十条国家外汇局可以根据国家外汇收支平衡的需要,对合格投资者汇出本金及已实现收益的期限予以调整。
Companies to operate through commercialization , professional management , personalized services to help business enterprises to achieve maximum value to help investors achieve maximize returns 公司旨在通过商业化运作、专业化管理、个性化服务,帮助创业企业实现价值最大化,帮助投资者实现收益最大化。
Before the change of accounting theory , some improvement has been made in practice ( confirm not realizing income ) . implementing the mode of comprehensive income is proposed based on it , and the basic theory of comprehensive income is stated here 会计实务界在会计理论有所突破之前,已作了一些改进(确认未实现收益) ,以此为基础,提出了实行全面收益模式,并阐述了全面收益的基本理论。
Only after the diversity of customer utility function is known , can the monopolists make the decision of pricing strategies and realize the profits of the relevant strategies , and the best strategy which can make the monopolist maximize the profit will be applied naturally 只有在得知客户效用的分布特征之后,厂商才可以选择相应的产品/服务提供策略并且定量测算各种可能定价策略的收益状况,最后选择实现收益最大化的定价策略和产品/服务提供方法。
This paper analyzes around realizing maximum profit or minimum general agent cost by modeling and probes into establishing the principal - agent bidirectional balance mechanism of the state - owned enterprise as well in view of such situation that effectiveness goal of board of directors is not in accordance with operator owing to information asymmetry in the process of running state - owned enterprise 摘要针对国有企业治理中,由于信息不对称所导致的董事会与经营者效用目标不一致的情况,围绕实现收益最大化或总代理成本最小化,通过建立模型进行了分析,并对建立国有企业委托代理双向制衡机制作了探讨。
Efficiency is an effective level and the ratio of input to output . state - owned commercial banks efficiency is that when they distribute and coordinate the manpower , material resources , financial , information and other resources what they need , they can minimize cost and realize the optimal allocation of resources 国有商业银行组织效率是指国有商业银行在对人力、物力、财力、信息和其他实现目标所需资源的分配和协调中,能够最大限度地节约成本投入或实现收益最大化,从而使国有商业银行对其资源配置达到最优状态。
The most significant characteristics of the firm are the asymmetric contractual arrangements between different participants ( factor - owners ) in both distribution of returns and control rights . within the firm , some participants are called " employers " , while others are called " employees " . in a sense , the firm system is how to solve the interest problems between employers and employees in order to encourage them to work hard 利益是人们从事任何活动的基本动力,企业则是其在一个社会之中自主地实现收益的基本形式,从这种意义上讲,便可以将企业制度理解为相关利益主体,如要素所有者(股东、劳动力) 、供应商等,在一定条件下相互博弈而达成的利益分配均衡所产生的利益组织形式。