实物 1.(实际应用的东西) material object2.(真实具体的东西) in kind; entity; matter◇实物地租 rent in kind; 实物工资 wages in kind; 实物交易 barter; 实物捐助 contribution in kind; 实物税 tax (paid) in kind; taxation in kind
分配 1.distribution; allocation; assignment 不公平的分配 an unfair distribution; 地理分配 geographical distribution; 分配上的平均主义 equalitarianism in income distribution; 利润分配 distribution of the profits; 毕业分配 job assignment on graduation2.distribute; allot; assign; share 分配住房 allot dwelling houses; 分配任务 allot tasks; 服从组织分配 accept the job that the organization assigns to one; 按劳分配 distribution according to work; 那些房间已经分配给我们。 those rooms have been assigned to us. 一毕业她就被分配任学校的会计。 upon graduation she was assigned to the position of treasurer of the school. 每年国家规划并分配特别的研究题目。 every year a national plan outlines and assigns special problems for research
The management of public houses of universities is not only the management of material distribution , but also the management of assets with value 摘要高校公用房管理不仅是实物分配的管理,更是有价值资产的管理。
Affordable decent housing is different from in - kind housing supply system which was prevelant in planning - economy era ; it is also distinct from commercial housing which is used for consuming and investing 经济适用住房不同于计划经济时期主要用于解决生存问题的实物分配性住房,也不同于融消费性、投资性完全于一体的商品房。
At present , the real estate industries in china have already entered into an age of buyer ' s market oriented by rational customers from the previous serious housing - absent age when material was allocated by the government 当今中国房地产业已经从以政府行为主导进行实物分配的住房严重短缺年代,步入了以买方市场为主导的理性消费年代。