Streaming media is processed and played back by a client player application , as it is received , leaving behind no residual copy of the content on the receiving device 流媒体可以通过internet intranet实现对音像资料的点播或实时访问。当客户申请的内容回放时,在机器上不会留下内容的本地拷贝。
Through the special - line connection of ddn with the various major banks , the system can send the data , which taxpayers may need to visit in a real - time way , from the tax - bank interface program to the corresponding bank in the user information . the bank terminal will deduct the fund from the account of the user . afterwards , the results will be returned to the declaration database 通过与各大银行的ddn专线联接,可以将各纳税人需实时访问银行的数据由系统提供的税银接口程序发送至各纳税用户信息中对应的银行,由银行端对用户进行扣款处理,处理完成后一并将结果返回至申报数据库中。