

  • perform quarantine



  • 例句与用法
  • No quarantine officer may be permitted to take up the post for quarantine unless he has obtained the corresponding qualification certificate
  • Article 4 quarantine inspection and supervision shall be conducted pursuant to this law over trunks , heads and viscera of slaughtered animals
  • Move plant and its product to want to carry out quarantine lawfully , because plant disease , bug , fireweed and other and harmful live thing are changed in nature , be ( plant diseases and insect pests of the following abbreviation ) proterozoic has certain regional
  • Article 2 animals and plants , their products and other quarantine objects , containers and packaging materials used for carrying animals and plants , their products or other quarantine objects , as well as means of transport from animal or plant epidemic areas shall , on entry or exit , be subject to quarantine inspection in accordance with this law
  • Article 31 the port animal and plant quarantine office shall , in respect of the animals and plants , their products or other quarantine objects not included in the catalogues specified in article 29 of this law , carry out quarantine inspection at the international postage exchange bureau , or , when necessary , take the same back to the port animal and plant quarantine office for quarantine inspection ; and the same shall not be transported or delivered without undergoing quarantine inspection
  • Article 3 duty range for health and quarantine organs on the frontier shall cover those hotels , restaurants and clubs on the frontier and those units that provide food or services for the incoming or outgoing conveyance and those places where quarantine inspection , sanitary monitoring and health supervision on the incoming or outgoing persons , conveyance , containers and goods are carried out
  • 推荐英语阅读
实施检疫的英文翻译,实施检疫英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译实施检疫,实施检疫的英文意思,實施檢疫的英文实施检疫 meaning in English實施檢疫的英文实施检疫怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
