- 实数 real number
- 乘 historical works
- 实数 1.[数学] real; real number2.(实在的数字) the actual amount or number
- 复数乘 cm
- 【数学】实数。 real number
- 超实数 hyperreal numbers; surreal number
- 实数部 real part
- 实数的 real
- 实数集 real number
- 实数加 real add
- 实数减 real substract; rs
- 实数论 theory of real number
- 实数商 quotient of real numbers; quotientofrealnumbers
- 实数系 real number system
- 实数线 real line
- 实数域 field of real numbers; real number field
- 实数值 rreal-value
- 实数制 numerical rating systems
- 实数轴 axially of real; real line; real number axis
- 正实数 arithmetic number; positive real number
- 常数乘法器 constant multiplier
- 常数乘子 constant multiplier
- 代数乘积 algebraic product
- 对数乘法器 logarithmic multiplier
- 复数乘法 complex multiplication