The justification for retaining separately accountable allowances , other than in very special circumstances 实报实销的津贴,除了在特别情况外,有没有理据予以保留?
The conversion of the removal allowance into a fully non - accountable allowance with effect from a prospective date in 2006 - 07 ; and 由2006至07年度某指定日期起,把搬迁津贴改为悉数非实报实销的津贴及
Continuing to manage senior civil servants separately and centrally taking steps to simplify systems of allowances by consolidating or abolishing existing allowances and making them non - accountable i 采取措施简化津贴制度:合并或取消现行津贴,并把现行津贴转为非实报实销的津贴也就是有资格领取津贴的员工可自动获发放津贴。