- notopterygii decoction for stopping pain
- ntopterygii decoction for stopping pain
- 定 galipidine
- 羌活 notopterygium root; incised ...
- 汤 hot water; boiling water
- 柴胡羌活汤 bupleuri and notopterygii decoction
- 大羌活汤 large notopterygii decoction
- 防风羌活汤 ledebouriellae and notopterygii decoction
- 九味羌活汤 notoptreygium decoction of nine ingredients
- 秦艽羌活汤 gentianae macrophyllae and notopterygii decoction
- 人参羌活汤 ginseng-notopterygii decoction
- 九味羌活汤 九味羌活汤 notoptreygiumdecoctionofnineingredients
- 定痛 analgesic therapy; assuage pain
- 羌活 [中药] notopterygium root; [植物学] incised notopterygium; rhizoma seu radix notopterygii
- 定痛丸 pain-stopping pill
- 川羌活 angelica
- 羌活醇 notopterol
- 羌活属 notopterygium
- 羌活丸 notopterygii bolus
- 辰砂定痛散 cinnabaris powder for stopping pain
- 定痛败毒散 antiphlogistic powder for stopping pain
- 生肌定痛 promoting granulation and relieving pain
- 体内固定痛 fixed pain in the body suggests blood stasis
- 祛风定痛 relieving rheumatism chills and pains
- 柴胡独活汤 bupleuri and angelicae pubescentis decoction
- 一物独活汤 angelicae pubescentis decoction
- 或宽叶羌活 notopterygium forbesii boiss