- 定期调整 routine adjustment
- 利率 an interest rate
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 长期贷款 long-term loan
- 可调整利率的抵押贷款 adjustable-rate mortgage
- 无限期的长期贷款 indefinite long term loan
- 可调整利率抵押贷款 adjustable-rate mortgages; arm
- 调整利率 interest rate adjustment; readjustment of interest rate
- 可调整利率 arm
- 定期贷款 a term loan; fixed loan; term loans; time loan; time money
- 定期调整 periodic regulation; routine adjustment
- 长期贷款 long term credit; long term loan; long-term loans; money at long
- 中长期贷款 medium and long term loans
- 长期调整 long run adjustment
- 活期贷款利率 call money rate; call rate; rat of call
- 定期贷款证书 time loan note
- 欧元定期贷款 euro-term loan
- 银行定期贷款 bank term loan
- 企业长期贷款 business term loan
- 定期贷款, 定期放款 term loan
- 定期贷款,定期放款 term loan
- 定期放款;定期贷款 time loan
- 可调整利率抵押 adjustable-rate mortgage
- 可调整利率债券 adjustable-rate bond; readjustable bond
- 建设期贷款利率 interest rate during construction