- time deposit with lottery
- 定期 fix a date regular; at regul ...
- 有奖储蓄 deposit with lottery; prize- ...
- 有奖储蓄 deposit with lottery; prize-giving savings [deposits]: 定期有奖储蓄 time deposit with lottery
- 有奖储蓄券 bonus bearing certificate; bonus bearing flood rehabitation certificates
- 有奖储蓄公债 premium savings bond
- 有奖储蓄券计划 premium savings bond scheme
- 定期储蓄 fixed deposit
- 定期储蓄存款 fixed saving deposit; fixed savings deposits; saving deposit certificate
- 定期储蓄提款 fixed savings withdrawal
- 定期储蓄账户 foreign currency term deposit
- 有奖 zxb
- 储蓄型定期寿险 deposit term
- 存本取息定期储蓄 interest withdrawal on principal deposited
- 大额定期储蓄存单 large amount deposit receipts
- 零存整取定期储蓄 small savings for lump sum withdrawal
- 行员定期储蓄存款 staff time savings deposits
- 整存零取定期储蓄 lump sum saving for small withdrawal
- 整存整取定期储蓄 lump sum deposit & withdrawal
- 四张储蓄定期存款单(中信) four savings deposit certificates of citic industrial bank
- 储蓄 1.(存款) savings; deposits 定期储蓄 fixed deposit; 活期储蓄 current deposit; 鼓励邮政储蓄 encourage postal savings2.(把节约下来或暂时不用的钱或物存起来) save; deposit; accumulate 他从不储蓄。 he has never saved. 他在储蓄以便买一幢住宅供全家居住。 he is saving up to buy a home for his family.; 储蓄存款 savings deposit; 储蓄存款折 saving deposits passbook; 储蓄存折 savings account book; 储蓄额 total saving deposits; 储蓄基金 reserve fund; 储蓄率 savings ratio; rate of saving; 储蓄所 savings department of a bank; savings bank; 储蓄银行 savings bank; 储蓄帐户方式储蓄 saving on savings accounts; 储蓄资本 savings capital; 储蓄资金 savings fund; 储蓄总额 total savings deposit; 储蓄总量 aggregate saving
- 人寿定期保险, 养老保险, 储蓄保险 endowment insurance
- 本星期有效 gtw good this week
- 长期有效 always open
- 长期有效的 standing