- attribute with macro declare statement
- 宏 great; grand; magnificent
- 说明语句 delarative statement
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 属性 attribute; nature; property; ...
- 宏说明语句 macro declaration; macro declare statement
- 说明语句 declaration statement; declarative statements; declare statement; specification statement
- 函数说明语句 function declaration statement
- 数据说明语句 data declaration statement
- 数组说明语句 array declaration statement
- 显式说明语句 explicit specification statement
- 显式类型说明语句 explicit type declaration statement
- 宏说明 macro declaration; macrodeclaration
- 分配语句的初始属性规则 initial attribute rule with allocate statement
- 语句的 lexical
- 声明语句 declaration statements
- 说明语法 syntax of declaration
- 必要的属性 required attribute
- 表示有…的属性 al
- 产品的属性 product attributes
- 量的属性 quantitative attribute
- 神的属性 the divine attributes
- 石油的属性 nature of petroleum
- 事物的属性 affection; attribute of things
- 文件的属性 attrib
- 系统的属性 features of system