Quantum theory underlies much of macroscopic physics . 量子理论构成大部分宏观物理学的基础。
On a macroscale it can be considered to consist of two surfaces . 从宏观的角度看来,它能被考虑为含有两个表面。
His analysis was macro, and not directly applicable to individual firms . 他的分析是宏观的,个别商行不能直接引用。
If the deposit is on the inside of the c, the macrostress is tensile . 如果沉积层是处于C形的内面,宏观应力是拉伸型的。
Aggregation theory is concerned with the transition from micro- to macro-models . 总量理论是研究从微观模型到宏观模型过渡的理论。
At the macroscopic level, an ideal gas is defined by a process of extrapolation . 从宏观角度看,理想气体的定义是由推论而得来的。
The micro/macro distinction is also important with respect to the conceptual origin of behavioral relations . 微观和宏观区别,在表明行为关系的概念起源方面也颇重要。
The crack surfaces in the web and flange were subjected to visual examination in order to evaluate crack growth regions . 为了估计各裂纹扩展区,对翼缘和腹板的裂纹表面进行了宏观检验。
Particles and waves are macroscopic concepts which gradually lose their relevance as we approach the submicroscopic domain . 粒子和波都是宏观概念,当我们接近亚微观领域时,它们就逐渐变得不那么贴切了。
In what seemed a logical extension, we have tried, a bit naively, to use macroscopic imagery to describe submicroscopic entities . 似乎是作为这种做法的一种逻辑推广,我们有点天真地试图用宏观形象来描述亚微观体。