- 完全 complete; whole; perfect
- 自给 self-sufficient; self-contai ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 钟 bell
- 形 form; shape
- 潜水 go under water; dive
- 舱 cabin; module
- 钟形潜水器 diving bell; diving-bell
- 双室球形潜水舱 double chambered sphere
- 自给的 autonomous; autotrophic; self supplying; self-contained; self-feeding; self-supplying; self-supporting
- 蝶形潜水器 diving saucer
- 球形潜水器 bathysphere
- 可以自给的 self-sufficient
- 可自给的 self-sufficient
- 能自给的 self-sustained
- 潜水舱 submerged diving chamber; submersible diving chamber
- 鱼雷形潜水器 torpedo-shaped vehicle
- 生长素自给的 auxoautotrophic
- 饱和潜水舱 saturation chamber
- 常压潜水舱 atmospheric diving chamber
- 科研潜水舱 research diving chamber
- 快潜水舱 quick-diving tank
- 速潜水舱 negative tank; quick-diving tank; sinking tank
- 承载的钟形屋顶 carrying cupola
- 深海球形潜水器 bathysphere; benthoscope