国际制冷学会的国际协定 international agreement concerning the international institute of refrigeration; international agreement concerning the international institute ofrefrigeration; internationales abkommen des internationalen instituts für kühlung
Do you belong to any professional associations ? 你是哪个专业学会的?
The most important thing i learned in school was how to communicate . 我在学校学会的最重要的一点就是如何与别人交流。
The learned members of this society were astounded when they read the letter . 这个学会的博学的会员们读了来信后大吃一惊。
Maria finished school, and then became the librarian of the nantucket athenaeum . 中学毕业后,玛丽当上了南塔克特学会的图书管理员。
It is the custom of this academy to make an annual award for outstanding researchers in chemistry . 每年向杰出的化学研究人员发奖是这个学会的惯例。
The jingling piano at last is silent, and the harmonic friends rally round their pillows . 叮叮当当的钢琴声终于停止,和声学会的朋友们抱着枕头睡觉了。
To join these institutions he will have to pass their examinations by studying in his spare time . 要参加这些学会,他必须在业余时间学习,以便通过这些学会的考试。
Attention and submission could not be learned at onceholyrood was not built in a dayuse would make perfect . 专心和顺从不是一下子就可以学会的圣殿门口的十字架非一朝一夕所能造成“玉不琢不成器”嘛!
“ to learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness 明白饶恕是需要练习才能学会的。
It isn ' t that easy to learn mongolian dances 这蒙古舞不是那么容易就能学会的。