- to preserve or to ruin cannot be foretold
- 未卜 undecide
- 存亡 live or die; survive or perish; survive and downfall 生死存亡的斗争 a life-and-death struggle; 危急存亡之秋 at the critical juncture of life and death; 与阵地共存亡 defend one's position to the death
- 凶未卜 do not know whether it will turn out good or bad
- 成败未卜 between cup and lip
- 吉凶未卜 do not know whether it will turn out good or bad; cannot predict the outcome, good or bad; fate unknown; no one can tell how it will turn out.; one's fate is in the balance
- 前途未卜 hanging in the balance; an ambiguous future; the future remains problematic.; the prospects remain undecided
- 生死未卜 one's life is uncertain.; hard to predict one's chances of life or death; hard to tell whether the person is alive or not; uncertain of one's life; whether one will survive is uncertain
- 胜败未卜 it is uncertain whether (he) will succeed or fail
- 胜负未卜 it was difficult to foretell which side would win.; cannot predict who will be the winner; the victory is not yet decided
- 胜负未卜的 open affair
- 未卜先知 know without consulting an oracle; can foretell things; foresee; have foresight; know beforehand without casting lots; know without seeking divination 可惜你不能未卜先知。 the pity is that you are not a prophet
- 行期未卜 the date of departure remains undecided
- 存亡绝续 survival or death and extermination or continuation -- a very critical situation; at the critical juncture of life and death; go on living or be destroyed; stand or fall; the fate is at stake.: 存亡绝续的关头 at a most critical moment
- 存亡危急 at the critical juncture of life and death; at stake
- 存亡之秋 a preservation or destruction crisis
- 生死存亡 (grave crisis between) life and death; critical; (a question of) life and death (for ...); of vital importance; survival or extinction 生死存亡的斗争 a life-and-death struggle; 中华民族到了这生死存亡的关头。 the chinese nation has reached a point where its very existence is at stake
- 生死存亡的 vital
- 兴废存亡 re-establish [restore] what has been abolished
- 关系到…生死存亡 stake 2
- 危急存亡之际 crisis
- 危急存亡之秋 the moment of crisis
- 与阵地共存亡 defend one's position to the death
- 胜负未卜的比赛 open affair; open issue
- 未卜侬身何曰丧 i have not yet divined when
- 存亡攸关,危若累卵 at stake
- 存亡绝续的关头 a most critical moment
- 存亡未卜什么意思:cún wáng wèi bǔ 【解释】卜:猜测,估计。或是活着,或是死了,不能预测。 【出处】明·冯梦龙《喻世明言》第十七卷:“况宗族远离,夫家存亡未卜,随缘快活,亦足了一生矣。” 【拼音码】cwwb 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;指生死未卜 【英文】not know life or death