- 婴儿 baby; infant; nursling; trot ...
- 得救 be saved
- 得救 be saved [rescued]
- 病人得救了the patient was saved
- 患难得救 be dragged in out of the rain
- 万人得救说 restorationism
- 象得救似地 relief 1
- 婴儿 baby; infant; nursling; trottie; toto 早产婴儿 prematurely born infant; 试管婴儿 test-tube baby; 给婴儿断奶 wean one's infant; 哄婴儿入睡 hull a baby to sleep; 这婴儿牙牙学语。 the baby babbles.; 婴儿车 perambulator; baby carriage; 婴儿床 infanette; baby's cot; crib; 婴儿猝死综合症 sudden infant death syndrome; crib death; cot death; 婴儿语 babbling
- 大难得救的人 a brand from the burning
- 得救的威尼斯 venice preserv'd
- 唉,婴儿,婴儿,婴儿,婴儿 yeah, baby, baby, baby, baby
- 不能光靠傻劲儿得找窍门 enthusiasm alone won't do. you've got to work skilfully
- 你这骄傲劲儿得好好改改 you've got to get rid of your arrogant ways. interest
- 这次旅行玩儿得真过瘾 this was an extremely successful trip. it couldn't have been better
- 获得补偿权, 获得救济权 right of relief
- 安婴儿 enfamil; new born
- 婴儿,幼儿 infant
- 婴儿,宝贝 baby
- 婴儿班 baby class; nursery class
- 婴儿被 baby comforter
- 婴儿病 infantile disease
- 婴儿擦 baby wipes
- 婴儿潮 baby boom; baby born
- 婴儿车 baby buggy; baby carriage; baby stroller; baby-car; gocart; pram; push
- 婴儿称 baby scale; infant scale