- 婚礼 wedding
- 结婚 marry; get married; marry up
- 婚纱、结婚礼服 wedding dress
- 结婚礼服 r11ile wedding dress; wedding garment; wedding gown
- 结婚礼服;婚纱 wedding gown
- 结婚礼花 flower for wedding use
- 结婚礼仪 e-etiquette
- 婚礼, 结婚纪念日 wedding day
- 婚礼日;结婚纪念日。 wedding day
- 结婚登记处,婚礼招待会,戒指 r-register office,reception,ring
- 在结婚登记处举行的婚礼 a marriage in a registry office
- 婚礼 wedding [marriage; matrimonial] ceremony; wedding 什么时候举行婚礼? when does the wedding come off [take place]? 我出席了婚礼。 i was present at the wedding.; 婚礼蛋糕 wedding cake
- 如今结婚礼服的基调是素雅 today the keynote of the wedding gown is simplicity
- 结婚 marry; get married; marry up 为金钱结婚 marry for money; 因爱情而同他结婚 marry him for love; 结婚草率懊恼多 marry in haste and have a lot of trouble; 他结婚很晚。 he married late in life.; 结婚登记 marriage registration; 结婚戒指 alliance ring; 结婚年龄 age for marriage; matrimonial age; 结婚证书[明] marriage certificate; marriage lines [licence]
- 婚礼的 bridal; nuptial
- 婚礼歌 hawaian wedding song; hun li ko
- 婚礼曲 wedding song
- 婚礼日 the wedding date; wedding day
- 婚礼舞 hun li wu; mailehen
- 不结婚 celib
- 打结(结婚) tie the knot
- 和…结婚 to marry
- 假结婚 sham marriage
- 结婚, 死 step off
- 结婚(瞬间) get married (to sb)