- the tiantai commentary on the lotus sutra
- 华 Huashan Mountain a surname
- 经 warp
- 玄 black; dark
- 义 justice; righteousness
- 妙法莲华经 lotus sutra; sutra of the lotus of the wonderful dharma
- 妙法莲华经文句 and the
- 关于妙法莲华经之古突厥语译本 zur alttürkischen version des saddharmapundarīka-sūtra
- 莲华经 lotus sutra
- 法莲 horen
- 玄义 exposition of the deeper meaning of the lotus
- 妙法 knack
- 莲华 renge
- 以法莲 ephraim
- 玄义,秘义 mystery
- 妙法藏 the treasury of the wonderful dharma
- 妙法灯 the lamof the wonderful law shining into the darkness of ignorance
- 妙法宫 the palace of the wonderful law in which the buddha ever dwells
- 妙法院 myohoin
- 维摩经玄疏 profound commentary on the vimalakirti sutra
- 法华经 hokkekyo; lotus sutra
- 表莲华 a01c
- 大莲华 puarīka
- 莲华戒 kamalasila
- 莲华生 padmasambhava
- 莲华寺 rengeji