like to do grandiose things to impress people; attempt to do sth. overambitious and unrealistic; be ambitious; crave after [for] greatness [great things] and success; crave greatness and success; flamboyant; ambitious for great achievements; have a fondness for the grandiose
大喜 [口语] great rejoicing 在这大喜的日子里 in these days of great rejoicing
大喜过望 be delighted that things are better than one expected; be delighted with unexpectedly good results; be overjoyed; be pleased beyond one's expectations;in pleased surprise; rejoice beyond all expectations
If players are too far apart , too many ambitious balls are hit , and passing breaks down 另一方面,如果阵形太松散,传球容易过于好大喜功,传球也不会好。
Our marketing goal does not lie in pursuing so - called explosive growth , but concentrating on steady development , cultivating the markets in the pearl river delta , and then opening branches and offices in the yangze river delta and foreign countries 我们的营销目标,并不是追求轰轰烈烈、好大喜功的所谓爆炸式增长,而是注重稳健型发展,先将珠江三角洲的一线市场做深做透,再在长江三角洲和国外开设分公司和办事处。
Uncle mung is elected the president of the resident commission of rose garden , but much to the dismay of the residents , he is full of whims , as a result , the living environment of block e deteriorates and the property prices drops by more than 50 percent . it never rains but it pours 懵伯当上了业主立案法团主席后,便好大喜功朝令夕改干预太多,使到e座的居住环境急转直下,居民充满怨气,问题丛生,物业评级一直急降,而楼价也由高峰期回落一半有多。
Nowadays the new area development is flourishing in various major chinese cities as a hotspot attracting more and more attentions from the urban development decision - makers and urban planners . the new area development these days is no longer a move to pursue the greatness or perfection of a city , instead it is more driven by some deep - going economic motives 新区发展正在中国各大城市蓬勃兴起,也越来越成为城市发展决策者和城市规划工作者关注的热点。当代城市新区发展不是贪大求全、好大喜功,而是有着深刻的经济学动因。
In the last , the article analyzes the actuality of chinese km exampling with chinese leading pc provider - shida computer co . , td ; anatomying the exiting problem of china ' s implementing kmkm amount information resource management ; only value explicit knowledge management , neglect implicit knowledge management ; only value " hard ware " construction , neglect " soft ware " construction , etc . besides , the article lodges the countermeasure of china ' s implementing km that chinese corporation must prepare many things , such as conception , organization construction , corporation culture , encourage mechanism , etc 最后,文章以国内领先的pc产商? ?实达电脑公司的知识管理为案例,分析了中国企业实施知识管理的现状,剖析了中国企业实施知识管理过程中存在的问题:将知识管理等同于信息资源管理;只注重显性知识的管理,忽视隐性知识的管理;只注重“硬件”建设,轻视“软件”建设;我不需要知识管理, “与我无关”综合症;好大喜功,打肿脸充胖子。
Be in so called period of 3 years of natural disaster , he passes sufficient investigation and study , face at that time put satellite , crave for greatness and success , lose contact with reality , 3 minutes of natural disaster the reality of disaster of 7 minutes of people , dare to stand to replace conversation of millions upon millions common people , give on top leader 10 thousand character the book , till be koed after do not flee , do not commit suicide , the far more than that place expression comes out is " gas " the word can describe wraparound spirit , its character charm , flare lofty or bottomless , always illuminate later generations 在所谓的三年自然灾难时期,他经过充分的调查研究,面对当时的放卫星、好大喜功、脱离实际、三分天灾七分人祸的现实,敢于站出来替亿万老百姓说话,给最高领袖上万言书,直至被打倒后的不叛逃、不自杀,所表现出来的何止是一个“气”字能够形容概括的精神,其人格魅力,光焰万丈,永照后人!
好大喜功的法语:avide de grandeur et de succès;pompeux et vaniteux;assoiffé de gloire et de succès